Andy's Motorcycle Restoration

On or Off Road
Whether you are ATV, off-road or street, we restore bikes that fit any riders needs. If you are looking for something specific, we can find you the bike you want.

Parts & Bikes Listings
Check out my eBay store. User name Motorbikedad..
Bike Blog
Motorcycle design varies greatly to suit a range of different purposes: long distance travel, commuting, cruising, sport including racing, and off-road riding. Motorcycling is riding a motorcycle and related social activity such as joining a motorcycle club and attending motorcycle rallies.
In 1894, Hildebrand & Wolfmüller became the first series production motorcycle, and the first to be called a motorcycle. In 2014, the three top motorcycle producers globally by volume were Honda , Yamaha (both from Japan), and Hero MotoCorp (India).[5]
Motorcycles are usually a luxury good in the developed world, where they are used mostly for recreation, as a lifestyle accessory or a symbol of personal identity. In developing countries, motorcycles are overwhelmingly utilitarian due to lower prices and greater fuel economy. Of all the motorcycles in the world, 58% are in the Asia Pacific and Southern and Eastern Asia regions, excluding car-centric Japan.
Guide to Craigslist Scams, Part 2:
As we went over in Part 1 of this article, The Guide to Common Craigslist Scams, there are many different kinds of scams targeting both buyers and sellers, and they can actually be pretty believable, if they're executed right. If you read that article, you will be familiar with how some of the most common scams work; now, here are 10 red flags to look for to spot a scam in the works, and make sure you're not the next victim!
Best Mobile Apps for Motorcycle Riders
Best Mobile Apps for Motorcycles
In this busy, digital age we're in, a lot of us ride to get away from all the technology cluttering our lives, not to get more involved in it! But the fact is, there are actually some really cool apps for motorcyclists that can make riding safer, more engaging, and more fun. Check out some of our favorites here!